Confluence Macros

Show Jenkins data on Confluence pages.

  1. Integrate Jenkins with Jira using this Jenkins for Jira app,
  2. Install the Jenkins for Confluence app,
  3. Show Jenkins data on Confluence pages.


In order to integrate Jenkins with Confluence, you will first need to have the Jenkins for Jira app, installed and configured with at minimum one Jenkins site, see the Getting Started guide for details. After this you can install the Jenkins for Confluence app.

The Confluence app will automatically register with the Jira app to enable the integration.


Jenkins Job Badge

The Jenkins Job Badge macro allows you to show the latest status of a Jenkins job as an inline badge. On the page simply add the jenkins-job-badge macro, select the job you want to show the badge of and you are done.

Macro configuration: Badge Macro Configuration

Macro examples: Badge Macro Exampled

Clicking on the badge will show a modal with details of the build and button to navigate to the job in Jira, or to the job on Jenkins itself.

Badge Macro Modal

Jenkins Job Status

The Jenkins Job Status macro allows you to show the latest details of a Jenkins job. On the page simply add thejenkins-job-status macro, select the job you want to show the details of and you are done.

Macro configuration: Status Macro Configuration

Macro examples: Status Macro Examples

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Next: Automation
Jenkins for Jira

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