Getting Started

Here are the initial steps you need to follow in order to get Jenkins Integration for Jira up and running.

Install the Jira app from the Atlassian Marketplace

You need to download the app Jenkins Integration for Jira from the Atlassian Marketplace.

Go to Jenkins Integration for Jira on the Atlassian Marketplace.


On top right corner of menu bar select your headshot/icon → scroll down to Atlassian Marketplace → click on Atlassian Marketplace.

Getting Started

You will arrive on the Atlassian Marketplace main page. Search ‘Jenkins integration’ and click enter/return:

Getting Started

The first result should be Jenkins Integration for Jira. Click the button ‘Free trial’:

Getting Started

Click ‘Accept & Install’ to start installation:

Getting Started

The app normally downloads within one minute but could be longer depending on your Jira configuration:

Getting Started

Now you need to get the trial license. Click ‘Get license’:

Getting Started

Note: The app will not work until you have the license activated in your Jira instance.

Getting and applying a license

After clicking on ‘Get license’ you will be redirected to Ensure you are logged in. Agree to the terms of use and then click ‘Generate License’.

Getting Started

You will arrive at a page with the license key. If you have configured your Jira to connect with the Atlassian Marketplace click ‘Apply License’:

Getting Started

You should have the app installed. Go to Step 3: Installing the Jenkins Plugin. If not keep reading.

If you have not configured your Jira to connect with the Atlassian Marketplace you will see this:

Getting Started

You must manually apply the license. Jenkins Integration for Jira will not work until this is done.

How to manually apply the license

Click ‘Close’ on modal dialog window (the popup that says Oh no!). You will see the installed apps on the Manage Apps page.

Go to in a new browser window (make sure you are logged in).

Scroll down on the page to see licences. Check ‘Trials’ box if not checked.

Getting Started

Expand ‘Jenkins Integration for Jira: Trial’. Copy the license from the ’license key’ field:

Getting Started

Go back to the Atlassian Marketplace → Manage Apps. Click on Jenkins Integration for Jira Server and Data Center to expand it.

Getting Started

Paste the license key into the field ‘License key’.

Getting Started

Click ‘Update’ to save the license key.

Getting Started

Installing the Jenkins plugin

You also need to download a plugin on the Jenkins side called Jira Integration. It is required.

Go to your Jenkins homepage

Manage Jenkins > Manage Plugins

Under Manage Plugin

Click on the Available Plugins.

Under Plugins

Search for jira integration and check the ‘Install’ checkbox

Click ‘Download now and install after restart‘

Check ‘Restart Jenkins when installation is complete and no jobs are running‘ to restart Jenkins.

Connecting Jira and Jenkins

Now you are ready to configure your first Jenkins site (an instance of Jenkins) and enable jobs to synchronize. This is important to do right away as it establishes the data connection between Jira and Jenkins. If you do not do this you will not get any Jenkins data in Jira.

From the top navigation in Jira, choose Gear Icon > Manage Apps

Getting Started

Choose Jenkins Integration > Manage Sites and then click Connect your first Jenkins Site

This brings up the Connect a Site wizard. Create a name of the site you are adding, and provide the site URL.

Under Accessibility select either Accessible or Inaccessible

If select Accessible:

Note the following if select Public:

If select Inaccessible:

Select this option if the Jira app can’t access the Jenkins site directly.

Click Save and Connect to accept connection defaults and connect the site. See Jenkins Sites for the all the details and defaults.

Under Connect Site select the method for connecting the Jenkins site

  • Select Automatic to let the app register itself with Jenkins. You will need to provide Jenkins administrative credentials to use this. (Only available for Accessible Sites)
  • Select Manual to use the provided Registration Secret and Token to manually register the Jira site in Jenkins.
  • Select Configuration as Code to use the Jenkins Configuration as Code feature to register the Jira site through configuration code.

Click Connect to finalise the connection.

We strongly recommend you read about how data synchronization works and how builds are linked to issues. It is also recommended to read about the other options available when connecting a site.

Next: Configuration
Docs - Jenkins Integration for Jira

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